CS Nutrition

The Importance of Nutrition in Workplace Wellness

Boost your team’s health and productivity with our expert-led corporate wellness workshops and seminars. As a registered dietitian, I offer engaging, evidence-based sessions tailored to your organization’s needs. Empower your employees with practical tools and knowledge to make healthier choices, improve energy levels, and reduce sick days. Three services are available for your team, workshops and seminars which offer lunch & learn style sessions; dietitian day which invites a registered dietitian to do one-on-one consulting with team members; and a nutrition challenge.

Our Packages

Seminars & Workshops

Dietitian led lunch & learns designed to empower and education your team on a variety of nutrition topics.

  • In-person and/or virtual
  • 60-minute session designed for a Lunch & Learn
  • Evidence-based sessions tailored to your organization’s needs
  • Various customized nutrition & wellness topics
  • Includes interactive formats throughout the seminar
  • Q & A available throughout and at the end of the session
  • Sample Topics:
  • Nutrition for Optimal Energy
  • Hearty Meals for the Winter
  • Energy Balls Workshop
  • Healthy Mocktails Workshop
  • Nutrition for Optimal Cognitive Function
  • Eat Well to Age Well
Dietitian Day

Invite a registered dietitian to your workplace for one-on-one consultations with your team

  • One-on-one consultations with a nutrition expert
  • Address individual health concerns
  • Promote healthier eating habits
  • Seamless integration with employee benefits
  • 60 & 30-minute sessions available per team member
  • Personalized Meal Plan available
  • Tailored Recommendations
  • Additional Follow-up Sessions as needed
Corporate Nutrition Challenge

Encourage your employees to adopt healthier eating habits with our Healthy Eating Challenge.

  • 1-month program is designed to motivate your team to make better food choices
  • Fostering a sense of community and friendly competition
  • Create a positive and health-focused workplace culture.
  • Here is how it works:
  • Team signs up for a month-long healthy eating challenge
  • Each week the team will get a list of healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks.
  • Weekly meals will include a grocery list, recipes, a meal prep guide, & dietitian support
  • Team members will post a picture in a group chat of every meal or snack they prepare from the list. Every prepared recipe is worth one point.
  • At the end of the month, the person with the most points wins.

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